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I am Balázs Weibel, the mastermind and company founder. As a child, I spent a lot of time on my grandparents’ home farm. I saw how much energy and seemingly unnecessary time my grandparents spent on tasks that do not affect growth and yield, obviously only later, later, when I was an adult, did I understand that these “checks” were necessary and still are today, but now with the help of sensors remotely, even automatically can also be done.Thus, the oft-quoted sentence, which is said almost daily in every farming family: “There is the farm, which must not be left alone for a minute” is only half true.That’s why I created this company and we developed the Agrigo farm monitoring system so that even a farmer can have free time and do what he wants with it!”

Great professionals and real team players joined the company from the beginning. Together with them, we started development focused on an accessible solution, first in the field of agriculture, and especially in the field of intensive animal husbandry. Our goal was to create a service based on sensory technology that would really serve the needs of our target group and not just build on good marketing and try to lure them in a direction that is convenient for us.

From the beginning, we have been driven by customer focus and efficient search for solutions. In cooperation with our customers, based on their needs, our activity has been evolving and developing since then, and we started to offer services to the food industry and other manufacturing plants, largely at the request of our customers.

Weibel Balázs

Weibel Balázs


Simple digitalization!! Our solutions support energy savings, cost efficiency, production optimization, damage prevention and labor management.

With our sensor-based IoT (internet of things) solution that we have developed and kept in our own hands since then, in addition to precision animal husbandry, we also work in the field of Industry 4.0, we can offer a solution for the digitization development of virtually any production plant.

As an SME, we clearly see experience and often experience the uncertainties, demands, and limitations faced by companies operating in other fields similar to ours. With our services, we specifically seek to solve the needs of SMEs within the framework of the opportunities given to them, flexibly and always to the extent necessary, cost-effectively, and sustainably.

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